General Medicine Case-4

CASE scenario....

Hi, I am D.Rajashri, 3rd BDS student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.

                 CASE HISTORY

Patient Details
A 70 years old female,Housewife, resident of Bhongiri, presented with
Chief Complaint
Slurring of speech since 4 days
Difficulty in walking since 4 days
History of present illness
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 years back,later there was onset of slurring of speech and difficulty in walking ,which was relieved on medication.Now there is again onset of same condition since 4 days back.
Past History
Known case of Hypertension since 15 years
Known case of Diabetes since 8 years
Family History
No similar complaints
Personal History
Bowel and bladder -normal
Drug History
Preva gold 10mg
Revacon 10mg
Nicardia 20mg
General Examination
Patient is concious and cooperative
Patient has lost her vision 5 years back(Diabetic Retinopathy)
Patient is normally built and normally nourished
Cynosis -no
Clubbing -present
Temperature -97°F
Blood pressure -120/80 mm Hg
Respiratory Rate-19 cpm 
Pulse Rate-92 bpm
Provisional Diagnosis
Acute CVA(Cerebro Vascular Accident)
What is the main  cause for CVA?
Is it caused due to weakness of nerves?
Why did it occur again 4 days back ,even on medication?

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